PIL under Windows

Norman Charnley norman at earth.ox.ac.uk
Thu Feb 15 07:47:37 EST 2001

I'd like to run Python Imaging Library under Win95. I've already
installed the Python 2.0 distribution without problem, in C:\Python20
(along with Pmw, Blt, Numeric and Medusa).

However, when looking for PIL to install, I followed the links from the
Python homepage and I ended up at Pythonworks, which offers another
almost complete Python distribution, which installed under C:\Py20, but
without Tools (e.g. Idle). 

Is there an easy way to reconcile the two? - preferably by amalgamating
them under C:\python20, since various other links and registry settings
are already associated with that directory...



 Dr. Norman Charnley
 Department of Earth Sciences
 University of Oxford
 Oxford OX1 3PR, UK.

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