Variable depth of nesting

Jacek Generowicz jmg at
Wed Feb 7 06:44:15 EST 2001

Is it somehow possible to write loops with variable nesting depths?

For example, I would like to write something like the function
outlined below without having to use the if clauses. Particularly, I
would like to make it work for a GENERAL length of list_of_lists.

def hmm ( list_of_lists ):
    if len( list_of_lists ) == 1:
        for x in list_of_lists[0]:
            # do something

    if len( list_of_lists ) == 2:
        for x in list_of_lists[0]:
            for y in list_of_lists[1]
            # do somehting

    if len( list_of_lists ) == 3:
        for x . . . :
            for y . . . :
                for z . . . :
                    # do something
    if len( list_of_lists ) == 4:


Alternatively, how about list comprehensions with variable order:

def hmm ( l ):
    if len( l ) == 1:
        return [ x for x in l[0] ]

    if len( l ) == 2:
        return [ (x,y) for x in l[0] for y in l[1] ]

    if len( l ) == 3:
        return [ (x,y,z) for x in l[0] for y in l[1] for z in l[2] ]

Any ideas ?



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