NameError in cross imports of modules

Pearu Peterson pearu at
Sat Feb 3 14:31:01 EST 2001


I have two classes defined in separate files and both classes use each

  from B import *
  class A:
      def asB(self): return B()

  from A import *
  class B:
      def asA(self): return A()

In Python session I get NameError:

>>> from A import *
>>> from B import *
>>> B().asA()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "", line 5, in asA
    return A()
NameError: global name 'A' is not defined


>>> A().asB()
<B.B instance at 0x810ea4c>

Note: I am not interested in converting the 'from-import' statements to
'import' statements, rather I have collected the classes A and B into the
same file but it's really inconvenient to maintain a large package in one
file :(

This behavior is well-known and has, roughly speaking, the following
>>> from A import *    --- imports also module B but only "partly": module
                           A is not imported to module B.
>>> from B import *    --- nothing is done because module B is already in

>>> reload(sys.modules['B'])  --- is needed in order to fix the
                           NameError: module B will be imported

My question is: 
	could this reload be done automatically? 

Say, when module B is "partly" imported during `from A import *', then a
flag is set. This flag is used when one imports module B: instead of
doing nothing when it is already in sys.modules, module B will be reloaded
and the flag will be unset.

What do you think? Is is possible to get rid of this asymmetric behavior
of cross imports in future Python releases?


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