ANOVA and logistic regression?

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Tue Feb 20 05:27:11 EST 2001

Can anybody recommend C-coded Python extensions for doing
ANOVA, and logistic regression, on largish data sets, in a
reasonably speedy way?  Pure-Python solutions also welcome,
but I suspect they might be a bit slow.  I need to run this
stuff with Python 2.0 on a Win32 box (and have no problem
building extensions from sources, although I'd rather not
have to tweak/port the sources if possible -- but it won't
kill me if I do have to do that), but it would be nice if
the solution was cross-platform and redistributable (GPL,
LGPL, OpenSource, etc, preferred, but free-as-in-free-beer
is the key issue here:-).

Answers most welcome on comp.lang.python, or directly in
my mailbox (if anybody asks, I'll summarize any answers
received in mail -- I realize this marks me as a NetNews
dinosaur, but this used to be the correct protocol once:-).



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