Help with finding how much memory a variable is using

Dave Cole djc at
Tue Feb 27 05:13:17 EST 2001

>>>>> "Emile" == Emile van Sebille <emile at> writes:

Emile> Can your data be structured using consistent data types?  I
Emile> recently had a situation where I needed to store a ~100,000
Emile> element list where each entry consists of 180 floats.  The
Emile> memory usage was dramatically reduced by converting the data to
Emile> use the array module.

Or could you implement a native C datatype on top of which Python
proxy objects were created on demand?  The C objects could be stored
in whatever organisation made the most sense, a tree or an array.

A while ago, I wrote some readonly lazy dictionary / list types which
could be made to sit on top of a parse tree constructed by a yacc
grammar (or whatever).

I still have the code if you are interested.

- Dave


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