Update to PEP 227 (static scoping)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed Feb 21 16:36:14 EST 2001

Jeremy Hylton wrote:
> Unless your idea of entertainment is vastly different than mine

dunno.  have you read "Populärmusik från Vittula"?  excellent book ;-)

> I don't understand what you mean.  The output I see from your handy
> script is:
> 1025 files checked
> If you see problems on your machine, it would be helpful if you could
> submit a bug report.

the Python-2.0 source tree, untarred from BeOpen-Python-2.0.tar.gz:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\pythonware\scan.py", line 38, in ?
    compile(open(file).read() + "\n", file, "exec")
SyntaxError: test: exec or 'import *' makes names ambiguous in nested
scope (IOBinding.py, line 202)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\pythonware\scan.py", line 38, in ?
    compile(open(file).read() + "\n", file, "exec")
SyntaxError: main: exec or 'import *' makes names ambiguous in nested
scope (Percolator.py, line 55)

both are fixed in the 2.1a2 source tree, of course.

Cheers /F

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