Good introduction to functional programming with Python?

Kragen Sitaker kragen at
Tue Jan 2 04:40:10 EST 2001

In article <91v4m001una at>,
Alex Martelli <aleaxit at> wrote:
>A NON-pure language one SHOULD consider for its
>didactical strength is Scheme.  Abelson's and Sussman's "Structure
>and Interpretation of Computer Programs" will teach one Scheme in
>a strongly FP-oriented setting, and it's a great book on its own --
>I consider SICP as one of the main conceptual motivation to learn
>a little Scheme, just as Kernighan and Pike's "The Practice of
>Programming" is motivation enough to learn some C, or Fowler's
>"Refactoring" motivates one to pick up 'just enough Java to get by'.
>Scheme's syntax will feel pretty alien, what with all the darned
>parentheses, but, with Abelson and Sussman at hand, one soon
>gets past that and focuses on really deep and fascinating concerns.
> gives a free
>and very good implementation . . .

And if you think this post is good advice, you should read too.

<kragen at>       Kragen Sitaker     <>
Perilous to all of us are the devices of an art deeper than we possess
       -- Gandalf the White [J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Two Towers", Bk 3, Ch. XI]

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