PIL: _imagingtk

Stephan Effelsberg b012414 at mail.dvz.fh-koeln.de
Tue Jan 16 13:13:00 EST 2001

James schrieb:

> File "c:\python20\pil\ImageTk.py", line 123, in paste
>     import _imagingtk
> ImportError: No module named _imagingtk
> >>>
> Am using the binary releases of Python2.0, PIL 1.1.1, Numeric 17, and
> win32all(build 135) on win Nt...
> Thanks
> James

No, it seems that you're using the source distribution of PIL. Search for
the file _imagingtk.dll , you probably don't have it, but maybe you have
_imagingtk.c instead.
If you look at Pythonware's PIL page
you can see a link for an inofficial binary distribution for Win32, but
apparantly they don't have your library prebuilt.
Seems that you have either to use PIL1.0 or build PIL1.1.1 yourself ...

(And there's still the chance that I'm wrong, but I don't think so.)

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