pyXML support for XSL tranformations??

Uche Ogbuji uche at
Sun Jan 28 11:04:18 EST 2001

"David C. Ullrich" wrote:

> Once I got it working it went right onto my I-don't-see-
> how-you-guys-can-give-this-stuff-away list, btw - hope
> you don't have the idea I've been wanting my money
> back or anything.

No, I just wanted to have things clear on the thread because there *was*
a time when installing 4Suite was a huge pain, and I'd like all to know
we've worked very hard to make it a breeze (with some help from Greg
Ward and distutils).

> > There is no
> > reason why you can't download 4Suite-0.10.1.tar.gz, untar it, run
> > "python install", and be completely ready to go.
> You only think that because you're not stupid enough to find
> ways to screw it up...

Well, we'd actually like 4Suite to be easy to install even for
non-Pythoneers.  That's because some of the features are completely
unique in XML space, and we think we can actually draw some XML users to
Python if they don't have to work too hard to get started.  That's why
we put together the HOWTOs which even walk you though installing Python.

> > But just in case, there are a 4Suite Installation HOWTOs for UNIX and
> > Windows.
> >
> > See
> >
> >

Uche Ogbuji
Personal:   uche at
Work:       uche.ogbuji at

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