Does anyone have python on Win98???

shaka fabrice.n at
Sun Jan 28 18:31:03 EST 2001

Ok, I need some help here.  I just download python on my computer.
I installed it to     C:\programming\python20

I know how to use the interactive mode.  And when write a script I usually
run it from the editor(idle) by clicking on "run script".

But when I try to run the script using the interpreter, it doesn't work.
What I do is to type the name of the in the interactive mode. It
always give me an error message like:
                        Traceback (most recent call last):
                          File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
                        NameError: There is no variable named 'hello'

Is the interpreter suppose to be in interactive mode everytime?

If you have no idea of what I am talking about, can you just describe me how
you usually run your script.

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