New Gopher Client

Andreas Jung andreas at
Fri Jan 12 04:33:28 EST 2001

On Fri, Jan 12, 2001 at 01:35:58AM -0600, Chris Watson wrote:
> > Don't take it personel but why do people spend their time for such out-dated
> > protocols and technologies ?
> 	You mean such outdated protocols like SMTP, X.500, DNS, and FTP.
> Which pre-dated gopher :-) Your right what a silly idea. 
> Some of us still use gopher, archie, WAIS, veronic, etc..

Outdated in the sense that a protocol/technology has been replaced by a
better technology. When one should really need a gopher-like functionality
I would use HTTP and a browser like Lynx or w3m. They offer the same functionality.
But this discussion is only of academic interest. So this might be the last message
in this thread :-)


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