I (don' ) will kill my Python

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Sat Jan 20 18:56:16 EST 2001

"Gerrit Muller" <gmuller at worldonline.nl> writes:

> What would the size of a platform-dependent (windows) binary for a simple
> Python/Tkinter based program, using static linked libraries? Looking at the
> tkinter dll's it will be in the low megabyte order of magnitude?

I think there could be a lot of discussion as to how an ideal
packaging system for windows should work. Some try to embed DLLs into
a single binary file, and then unpack them before use. 

Others prefer to ship DLLs separately, so that the packaging only
includes the many .py files of the library.

Yes others prefer statically linked binaries, with everything
essentially frozen.

I personally lean toward the pythonXY.dll solution, where that DLL
should really cover all extension modules which are available in the
XY version and which work on Windows.

Of course, freezing Tcl is a difficult matter on its own, so the
fully-standalone approach may never work (with the current Tcl


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