zombie question

Blair Lowe Blair.Lowe at compeng.net
Mon Jan 8 13:15:06 EST 2001


Please also be aware that BSD and SYSV UNIX deal with zombies 
differently. It has to do with the sleeping properties of the parent.

You will need a switch to determine the operating system type, and 
deal with the processes differently depending on what it is.

Also, does conn.close cut off the child from the calling parent? Just 
a dumb guess.


At 14:15 +0000 2001/01/08, jianchen at my-deja.com wrote:
>the parent process looks like this£†
>	serv.bind((HOST,PORT))
>	print "Can't bind to local port %s" % PORT
>	sys.exit(-1)
>while 1:
>	conn,addr=serv.accept()
>	pid=os.fork()
>	if pid<0:	myerr('Can\'t fork new process')
>	if pid==0:	# the child process
>		serv.close(£©
>		proxy(conn,addr)	# the real proxy
>		sys.exit(0)
>	conn.close()
>The handler is :
>def handler(signum,frame):
>  	pid,excode=os.waitpid(-1,os.WNOHANG)
>	return
>the most strange thing is that the handler is never called!
>any advice. thanks!
>Sent via Deja.com

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