win32all crashes win98

William Wicker william_wicker at
Mon Jan 15 14:19:12 EST 2001

w.neff at (Wolfgang Neff) wrote in
<3a621864$0$21002 at>: 

>Python extensions for Windows (win32all) work fine on Windows 2000 and
>also on Windows 98 SE / IE 5.5 when run within PythonWin. Withing
>python/pythonw, however, the same script causes kernel32.dll to crash
>with a stack error. 
>I'd like to run the following script by double clicking its icon without
>getting a python shell:
>    #MsgBox.pyw
>    import win32con
>    import win32ui
>    win32ui.MessageBox("Message Box","Test",win32con.MB_OK)
>Is there someone who knows a work-around?
>   Wolfgang

uhh.... rename it to script.pyw ???


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