win32com.client - need some help

zippy1984 at zippy1984 at
Fri Jan 26 05:33:01 EST 2001

> >
> >    HRESULT getDictionary([out] IDispatch** pDictionary);
> >    [id(0x12345678)]
> Unusual ([out] is generally [out,retval]) but OK.

Well, I do get a return value, but not what I expected.....
So, I don't know if this is important.

> What happens if you do a dir(dic.__class__) -- what methods
> does this class expose?  IS it a makepy-generated class?  If
> it isn't, then there's some trouble brewing.

Right you are.... :

>>> dic = ob.getDictionary()
>>> dir(dic.__class__)
['__doc__', '__module__', '_wrap_dispatch_']
>>> dic.__class__.__module__
>>> print dic.__class__.__doc__

    The dynamic class used as a last resort.
    The purpose of this overriding of dynamic.CDispatch is to
perpetuate the policy
    of using the makepy generated wrapper Python class instead of
    if/when possible.


...I guess this is not what I wanted to see...?

What is causing these problems?  Is it a "poor" definition in the
COM server that does not give win32com enough information?  Is there
any way working around this?  I do not have access to sources for the
COM server, so if it is responsible for the troubles then I do have
a problem.

regards, Tom

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