importing classes from a variable

robin and jim robinjim at
Thu Jan 18 20:32:26 EST 2001

hello Justin,

Are you looking for something like the following?

import os, string, sys

directory_name = sys .argv [1]
package_name = string .replace (directory_name, os.sep, '.')

   package = __import__ ( package_name, globals(), locals(), ['__init__'] )
   modules = getattr (package, '__all__')
except AttributeError, message:
   handle_error ('"" file for ' + directory_name + ' has no
"__all__ attribute')
except ImportError, message:
   handle_error (directory_name + ' has no "" file')

"JustinHJ" <justinhj at> wrote in message
news:t6f17dps6c4d87 at
> Could anyone offer any advice on the following problem. What I have is a
> python program that takes a file and does something to it by calling
> functions in a class. To seperate the code that does the export from the
> main program, what I wanted to do is to be able to go from a text string
> name of the export process....
> str = 'export_1'
> and do the equivalent of
> import 'export_1'
> exportclass = export1.Export.DoExport
> So in case that's not clear I want to be able to import modules in a class
> without knowing their name until runtime, then use the module name as a
> variable.EG:
> export_string = 'export_1'
> import export_string # this doesn't work
> export_string.Export # this doesn't work either

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