Distribution issues

Martin von Loewis loewis at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Sat Jan 20 18:40:23 EST 2001

D-Man <dsh8290 at rit.edu> writes:

> To distribute, you simply jar your files together and ship it.  The
> user still needs a JVM, but that isn't a big issue (to me).  (Jar is
> very similar to tar or zip)

The more tricky issue about jar file is that the JVM has to find
them. This is typically done by setting the CLASSPATH, but, in my
experience *not* to the directory containing the jar file, but to the
jar file itself. Of course, there are also standard locations - you
just have to know what they are as an administrator.

> Is there a similar thing for python?  

Not quite the same, but there is distutils. Do

python setup.py install

and distutils will put everything in place, without the administrator
knowing a thing about python.


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