XML doc generation

Jonathan Pennington john at coastalgeology.org
Mon Jan 22 22:31:31 EST 2001

>If you understand how to put raw text tags then I would suggest you
>just do that as the simplest thing. I've been processing XML for a
>long, long time and I hardly ever find it easier to build a tree and
>then serialize it. It is more often best to do the simplest thing... 

Well, I trust your judgement there. As a reformed perl and PHP
programmer, I can write text into a file in my sleep :-) However, one
last question. If I wanted to download this coordinate info, then
manipulate it as a DOM, would that still be easier. In other words, as
stated above, I would download data from the receiver directly into an
XML file, then parse the XML file into memory, display/manipulate it,
then rewrite it to the file when saved. Do I understand correctly. It
does sound easy enough, I just want to make sure that I'm not missing
something or making things difficult with all that file I/O. Thanks.

Jonathan Pennington		| http://coastalgeology.org
Site Manager			| Protection and stewardship
CoastalGeology.Org (CGO)	| through public education.
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