converting an id() into an object

Emile van Sebille emile at
Mon Jan 15 07:50:12 EST 2001

Ok, it's early still.  Forget this question, maybe.

Would this be different from simply:

poof = spam

off-to-a-bad-start-ly y'rs


Emile van Sebille
emile at

"Emile van Sebille" <emile at> wrote in message
news:93uppg$bm4b8$1 at
> Is there a way to inverse the functionality of id()?  This
> of course depends on items not moving around in memory and
> not being decref'd into gc.
> eg:
> foo = id(spam)
> ...
> ...
> poof = swizzled(foo)
> spam is poof    # this would be true?
> I don't have an immediate need for this, but the thought
> crossed my mind often enough that if it were available, I
> may have done something with it.
> --
> Emile van Sebille
> emile at
> -------------------

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