pyXML support for XSL tranformations??

David C. Ullrich ullrich at
Mon Jan 22 09:51:19 EST 2001

On 21 Jan 2001 21:50:04 +0100, Martin von Loewis
<loewis at> wrote:

>ullrich at (David C. Ullrich) writes:
>> I have the 4Thought XSL stuff from a little while ago. When I 
>> installed it I had to replace the current (1.5.2) Python xml.dom
>> with one that came with 4Thought, which I gather was an
>> older version. I didn't like this but I did it and it works fine.
>In Python 1.5.2, there was no xml.dom - so I doubt you had replaced
>the Python xml.dom. 

Right. I actually meant the xml.dom from what seems to be called
"the Python xml-sig distribution". (Or what was in any case
called that at that time...)

>What you might have replaced was some xml.dom from
>some PyXML; whether it was older or new would much depend on what
>PyXML version you actually had.
>> Q: Does the current 4Thought XSL stuff get along a little
>> more _cleanly_ with Python? (I actually haven't got around
>> to getting Python 2.0 precisely because it took a little
>> tweaking to get the XSL going in 1.5.2...)
>The current 4Suite release contains a copy of PyXML 0.6.3, enhanced by
>a few patches that will only appear in PyXML 0.6.4; you should use the
>PyXML version that comes with 4Suite.



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