I will kill my Python

Bruno Schaefer bup.schaefer at planet-interkom.de
Thu Jan 18 15:03:03 EST 2001

Hi all, I have written a nice Python application with TKinter. And it 
works fine.Yes. But now I want to build an exe, but - o what ashit 
with that installer, builder, simple - confuing thing. I have spent 
many hours with blood and tears, but o what a shit, ugly shit : 
nothing works:  The end of all
I give it up. I will kill my python. Its easier with a dummy-xy-Basic 
to make an exe as with this shit-modern-"oh what an easy nice 

Not with me.

Yeah, python is easy and nice, the pure language, but the rest...

goodby, I'am going to look for another real easy animal !


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