Where to store images for a Zope e-commerce Website

Remi Delon rdelon at my-deja.com
Sat Jan 13 04:52:27 EST 2001


I'm developing an e-commerce website in Zope. This website will handle
tens of thousands of items. I'm using a MySql database to store all
alphanumeric data about the items.
I'm wondering what's the best place to store the images for those items.
I see 3 options:

- Either in a Zope folder (in this case, it's easy to serve those
images from Zope. But I'm concern that ZODB might have problems to
handle so many images in a Folder. Also, I'm limited with operations I
can do on those images (how do I Delete ? Add ? Update ? Create
thumbnails ?)

- Either in the local filesystem. (Then it's easy to perform operations
on those images, but less easy to serve them with Zope)

- Either in the database itself, but I don't know if the connection
between MySql and Zope works well for raw data.

Anybody has any experience with this ?



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