Help required with wxGrid

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at
Sun Jan 14 09:41:25 EST 2001

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 18:18:26 +1100, Austin Wilson <wilson.austin.aj at> wrote:
>possible for a long string of text which is typed into one cell be rendered
>such that it overflows into the adjacent cell (as long os that cell is
>empty) rather than being truncated or wrapped.

 No, it is not possible - in the sense that the standard wxGrid class doesn't
support it. You probably could implement such feature in your own wxGrid
derived class but it risks to be a bit complicated as the grid carefully tries
to only redraw the cells which must be updated and it's not immediately
obvious how/if this logic will work in your case.

>Microsoft Excel does this by default.

 I guess they didn't use wxWindows :-)


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