COMMERCIAL: BlackAdder Windows/Linux Python GUI Development Environment

phil at phil at
Wed Jan 31 07:52:34 EST 2001

The cunning plan continues... is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
the first Beta release of BlackAdder, a commercial Windows/Linux IDE
for Python and the Qt GUI toolkit.

A demonstration version is also available as a free download.

Full details can be found at

BlackAdder includes...
- a project explorer
- a Python aware editor
- a GUI form designer
- a debugger
- an interactive Python interpreter
- the Qt GUI toolkit
- the mxODBC extension module
- 50 Mbytes HTML documentation
- a 20% discount  voucher from O'Reilly.

BlackAdder is available in two editions, the Personal Edition and the
Business Edition. The Business Edition allows the run-time elements of
BlackAdder (except for mxODBC) to be re-distributed with your
applications at no extra cost.


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