win32com.client - missing methods?

Kirby James kirby at
Fri Jan 26 13:01:25 EST 2001

Hi, I've written a Python program which uses the win32com interface to
obtain information from a number of Word-97 files.
The program runs fine on my Win-98 system but fails on two NT systems.
The problem line is :-

    sAuthor = myDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties(constants.wdPropertyAuthor)

which produces the error

    AttributeError: no __call__ method defined

When I remove this line the other COM functions that I call work fine. On
all three systems I've run the COM Makepy utility - but I notice that
the generated files are of different sizes on the different systems (is it
safe to copy - and rename the win-98 file to NT).

I'd appreciate any pointers

ta, Kirby

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Python20\Pythonwin\pywin\framework\", line 301, in
    exec codeObject in __main__.__dict__
  File "D:\python\utilities\", line 178, in ?
    os.path.walk('d:\\relocation', walker, 10)
  File "D:\Python20\lib\", line 270, in walk
    walk(name, func, arg)
  File "D:\Python20\lib\", line 264, in walk
    func(arg, top, names)
  File "D:\python\utilities\", line 153, in walker
  File "D:\python\utilities\", line 64, in readWord
    sAuthor = myDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties(constants.wdPropertyAuthor)
AttributeError: no __call__ method defined

    WORD  = 'Word.Application.8'

    myWord = Dispatch(WORD)
    myWord.Visible = 1
    myDoc = myWord.Documents.Open(fn)
    sAuthor = myDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties(constants.wdPropertyAuthor)
####  line 64
    sAuthor = str(sAuthor)
    print '  Author = ' + sAuthor

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