Some Python (Monty) Perspective (was Re: Language change and code breaks)

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Jul 25 12:42:14 EDT 2001

In article <9jmqp3$9n1 at>, Tim Randolph wrote:

>It is obvious that he only has the good of the language at heart.  

If that's true, who worries about the good of the language's users?

Perhaps making int/int => float makes the language better.  [I don't
personally think so, but it's a matter of taste.]  However, it does hurt at
least some of the existing group of users.  How many and how bad is up for

I think that not allowing ints and floats to be mixed would make it a better
lanauge, but that would probably hurt even more users.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Should I do my BOBBIE
                                  at               VINTON medley?

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