tkinter/commands help
James Logajan
JamesL at Lugoj.Com
Wed Jul 4 13:46:07 EDT 2001
Arun Ramanathan wrote:
> I am trying to run a rsh command from the commands module.
> My code for a tkinter button and call back looks like this.
> from Tkinter import *
> import commands
> def callme():
> result = commands.getoutput('rsh -l username hostname showrev -p')
> mytext.delete(0.0,END)
> mytext.insert(0.0,result)
What happens when you substitute something like:
def callme():
import time
result = str(time.time())
Does that work? Also, you snipped too much code; you show "mytext" but don't
show what it has been initialized to. That is all I can suggest since I
don't have enough information to do more.
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