Comment on PEP-0238

Grant Griffin not.this at
Fri Jul 6 15:31:29 EDT 2001

In article <cpsngaja4g.fsf at>, Guido says...
>I currently favor div(x, y) over x//y and x div y.  Maybe also add
>mod(x, y) for symmetry (that would also explain divmod() as a
>messenger from the future :-).

Messages from Guido's Time Machine sure are appealing, but I doubt that "divmod"
is actually used much, so maybe symmetry of the others with that doesn't matter
much.  (Coincidentally, I just discovered "divmod" in "Python Pocket Reference"
10 minutes before reading this!--when I was enjoying special "small book daily
reading time".)

I guess I favor the operator format ("x div y", "x mod y") over the function
format ("div(x, y)", "mod(x, y)").  The operator format seems to read better
(more like "x / y"), and it matches other languages, like C, where these
operator thingies are expressed in operator format (albiet by a symbol: "/" and
"%".)  If the operator style wins out, divmod might either be turned into an
operator, or left alone.

all-things-being-equal,-do-it-like-C-ly y'rs,



Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at
Publisher of dspGuru                 
Iowegian International Corporation  

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