Alternate numeric proposal, Take 2

Robin Becker robin at
Tue Jul 24 06:35:49 EDT 2001

I'm afraid all these proposals for band aid type fixes to fundamental
language changes are flawed.

The danger is of copying code from one environment into the other which
will silently cause problems at run time. We need to have a single well
defined meaning for each element of a program.

I think that Guido is utterly wrong to do this and similar changes
against the expressed will of many of us. I believe that the current
usage of / is 'hallowed by time' and is useful. I don't believe float
division is more or less important than the truncating kind.

I feel that the real problem is the lack of understanding of the great
leader of the effect this will have on Python's reputation as a stable
well thought out language.
Robin Becker

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