Starting a Frame dependent on destruction of another Frame...

Volucris volucris at
Mon Jul 16 04:44:37 EDT 2001

"Rob Neely" <rneely at> wrote in message
news:6f0b3be9.0107152232.21f297e6 at
> I have a simple problem I'm trying to solve with Tkinter.
> When my application runs, I want a frame to pop up asking the user for
> some info (a directory name).  When they hit the "OK" button, I want
> that frame to destroy itself, and start up another toplevel frame
> which will be populated with some widgets based on what was entered in
> the first frame.
> I've enclosed a very stripped down example below.  If you run this
> program in linux (under KDE), the only way to get to the second frame
> is to close the window with the window manager (ie - clicking the "x"
> in the KDE window decorations).  When I run it from MS-windows - even
> that doesn't work...
> Can anyone show me how I might configure the following applet so
> clicking the "OK" button will destroy the frame and start up the next
> frame?  Or more generally - how should one set up an application where
> one frame is started only after another has destroyed itself.
> I've tried as many combinations that I can think of - and this is the
> closest I've gotten!
> Thanks in advance!
> --Rob
> from Tkinter import *
> class Splash(Frame):
>     def __init__(self, parent=None):
>         Frame.__init__(self, parent)
>         b = Button(self, text="OK", command=self.splash_done)
>         b.pack()
>         self.pack()
>     def splash_done(self):
>         print "Clicked OK"
>         self.destroy()
> class Mainapp(Frame):
>     def __init__(self, parent=None):
>         Frame.__init__(self, parent)
>         l = Label(self, text="Main frame opened")
>         l.pack()
>         self.pack()
> Splash().mainloop()
> Mainapp().mainloop()

In this method, self refers to the button that called it, not the parent

def splash_done(self):
    print "Clicked OK"

All you have to do is destory the button's master (the parent window).

def splash_done(self):
    print "Clicked OK"

Cool? Cool.

Volucris (a)
"Eu não falo uma única palavra do português."

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