proposed language change to int/int==float (was: PEP0238 lament)

Kirby Urner urner at
Wed Jul 25 03:19:24 EDT 2001

"Andy Salnikov" <salnikov at> wrote:

>  Would not it be better to have rationals first and than change meaning of
>int/int->rational, than changing first to int/int->float and then to

This echoes my sentiments over on edu-sig at

   Were I in charge, I might have preferred that / remain the
   way it is, until/unless a more Scheme-like inclusion of
   the rational number type (different from float) came along,
   which would happen when the "long" type melted away, and
   became part of "int" (seamless i.e. no difference from the
   user's point of view).  This might have happened in 3.xx.
   I think it's somewhat premature to fiddle with / in 2.x.

More context:
where I admit it:  I'm not in charge :-D


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