amkCrypto/mxCrypto on Win32 with Visual C++

Steve Holden sholden at
Mon Jul 2 17:43:30 EDT 2001

I'm trying to get the amkCrypto (modified mxCrypto) package working under
Win32, but Visual C++ is barfing about the declaration (and concurrent
initialization) of public member variables.

For example, mxCrypto.h includes the following declaration:

class StreamCipher
    int mode;

    static int const blocksize = 1;
    static int const keysize = 0;

    StreamCipher(PyStringObject *v, int cipher_mode);
    PyObject *encrypt(PyStringObject *v);
    PyObject *decrypt(PyStringObject *v);
    int getmode(void) { return mode; };

The compiler says that the public member variables (blocksize and keysize)
cannot be intialized in the header file. But clearly this code works under
some compilers...

Has anyone sucessfully installed this code on Windows? Nothing on Google to
suggest previous problems.

Thanks in advance

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