Confusion about dictionaries - keys use value or identity?

Nick Perkins nperkins7 at
Sun Jul 8 22:24:38 EDT 2001

"Roy Smith" <roy at> wrote in message
news:roy-2F9DAF.19464308072001 at

> So, here's my plan.  I was thinking that I might write a thin wrapper
> around the re class which kept a cache of regexes it had compiled.
> myRe.match would take the passed-in regex, look it up in the cache, and if
> it found it, just use the cached compiled version.  I figure it would be
> very close to the speed of storing the pre-compiled versions in the
> mainline code, as shown above, but still have the convenience and
> comprehensibility of keeping the regex string at the place where it's

sounds like a plan, something like this:

class matcher:
    def __init__(self):
        self.compiled = {}

    def match(self,pattern,data):
        if compiled.has_key(pattern):
            comp = self.compiled[pattern]
            comp = re.compile(pattern)
            self.compiled[pattern] = comp
        return comp.match(data) reminds me of a general purpose function i use:

def memoize(fn):
    def mem(*args):
        if results.has_key(args):
            return results[args]
            result = fn(*args)
            return result
    return mem

This needs nested scopes.
It will wrap any function that takes hashable arguments.
It is good for functions that do a lot of work,
and are frequently called with the same args.
( I suppose it won't work with kwd args.. )

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