I'm Sure There's A Better Way

Aahz Maruch aahz at panix.com
Mon Jul 9 09:24:02 EDT 2001

In article <3b4676ad$0$324$8eec23a at newsreader.tycho.net>,
Neil Macneale <mac4-devnull at theory.org> wrote:
>Note: this sollution requires 2 characters after the decimal point....
>def isDollarAmount(s):
>    try:
>        if s.count == 1 and s[-3] == '.':
>            dol, cen = s.split('.')
>            int(dol)
>            int(cen)
>            return 1
>        int(s)
>        return 1
>    except:
>        return None

I would change "int(dol)" to "long(dol)".
                      --- Aahz  <*>  (Copyright 2001 by aahz at pobox.com)

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