Time for a Python distribution? take two.

Chris Barker chrishbarker at home.net
Fri Jul 6 20:10:46 EDT 2001

Paul Prescod wrote:
> Actually, the better command is "search".

Yup, that's what I was looking for, and I figured it would be there, I
just had to download and instal it first, before I could find out what
was there, that's all I was saying.
> Yes, Chris is right that we could advertise and document better.
And I'm sure you will

> And I don't think anyone at ActiveState minds if Chris sets up a
> distribution. ActiveState can't do everything and doesn't want to.

Frankly, I'd be just has happy if you folks made my ideas obsolete, but
until then, I think I'll get started on it.


Christopher Barker,
ChrisHBarker at home.net                 ---           ---           ---
http://members.home.net/barkerlohmann ---@@       -----@@       -----@@
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