Unicode File

Alex Martelli aleaxit at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 31 06:08:32 EDT 2001

"Tksee Lhsoh" <tksee at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3B66179D.1D55B27C at yahoo.com...
> I would like to open and save a file in unicode.
> For example,
> s=open("unicode_filename").read();
> seems to return oridinary string, not unicode.
> What should I do ?

There are several approaches, but I think the
simplest one is to use the unicode() built-in
function, giving it the codec name you want.

For example, suppose string s (e.g. as obtained
from the above operation) is:

>>> s

e.g. as would be given by encoding UTF-16.  In
this case,

>>> unicode(s,'utf-16')

As I said there are several other approaches,
but this one may be simplest for simple needs.


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