re bad leadership

"Jürgen A. Erhard" juergen.erhard at
Thu Jul 26 12:56:37 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Robin" == Robin Becker <robin at> writes:

    Robin> it doesn't matter what the leadership says is right. The
    Robin> popular vote is against the stupid float '/' operator.

Robin, has it ever occured to you that the majority might be *for*
that change?  But because we feel Guido *will* implement that change,
we don't see a need to speak up.

The most vocal group is not necessarily the majority (and much less
right).  There *is* such a thing as a silent majority...

I personally like that change.  And yes, I'll have to fix up some code
too, probably.  But it will be worth it.

Bye, J

PS: What François said.

 Jürgen A. Erhard  (juergen.erhard at, jae at
          My WebHome:
              GNOME Desktop Project (
         I have a firm grip on reality, now I can strangle it.
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