proposed language change to int/int==float (was: PEP0238 lament)

Skip Montanaro skip at
Tue Jul 24 00:45:05 EDT 2001

    >> You're pissing off a fairly significant fraction of the language's
    >> existing constituency in hopes of attracting some non-programmers to
    >> the language who may not come anyway for various other reasons.

    Tim> I don't detect any trace of that hypothesized motive in Guido.  He
    Tim> wants to repair what he has come to believe is a serious design
    Tim> error, and is wrestling with ways to get that done.  What a
    Tim> remarkably different world it would be if people tried to help
    Tim> <wink>.

And I did send a summary to Moshe of the objections to the current proposal
as I saw them, just not on the list where they'd get buried in the slew of
messages on the subject.

I think a lot of people feel that unlike most changes considered for Python,
scant attention is being paid to whether or not the proposed change will
break existing code.  There's ample anecdotal evidence to suggest that this
will break a lot of code and require a fair amount of effort just to check
code that is probably correct.


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