PyDoc: How to exclude from x import * objects?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Wed Jul 4 00:31:56 EDT 2001

I'm just sitting down to do some serious documentation for PyOpenGL and
OpenGLContext.  Much of this will likely be in the form of in-module
documentation using PyDoc to generate nicely formatted HTML documentation.

However, OpenGL is one of those packages (like wxPython, Tkinter, Numeric,
etceteras) where the only practical way to use the system is to do from
OpenGL.GL import *, so the namespace of each module often has hundreds of
extraneous values (consider that a single module might import OpenGL.GL.*
OpenGL.GLU.* OpenGL.GLUT.* and wxPython.wx.*).   I'm wondering if there is a
simple way  to specify a list of names and/or objects to be excluded from
the pydoc  documentation run.

>From what I can see, around line 801 is the likely place to do the scanning
if everything is done at a "explicit exclude" level.  I.e. filter each of
the key, value lists to eliminate the specified objects.  This doesn't seem
really spectacularly elegant, but I don't see any other really obvious
places to do the elimination.

Thoughts, suggestions, already-implemented-solutions welcome,

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