proposed language change to int/int==float (was: PEP0238 lament)

Bjorn Pettersen BPettersen at
Tue Jul 24 11:44:57 EDT 2001

> From: Klaus-G. Meyer [mailto:klaus-gerd.meyer at]
> > those guys.  It *is* odd to have to do something like:
> >   x = float(y)/z
> > to get best-possible division in Python.
> But what is with the "best possible" multiplication?
> 99999*99999 -> integer overflow
> Why not an long integer result? (or maybe float)
> You must explicit type:
> 99999*99999L  or  99999*99999.
> Is that not the same thing as type 1./3  ???

I think perhaps an equally interesting example is something like:


which currently gives an exact result, but under the proposed new
semantics would give an approximation...

This is only one of the reasons why I think it's a mistake to look at
integer division by itself. If we're going to change basic behaviors it
would be better if we had a consistent semantic model first.

-- bjorn

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