web interface to c program running on different server

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Tue Jul 17 09:13:44 EDT 2001

Lee wrote:
> I wasn't asking the readers to provide me with a list of pros and cons -
> those would be for me to figure out when I have a few suggestions for
> implementations. 

In other words, "don't think about it, just do it".  I get it. <1/2 wink>

> As for the the questions, I consider them to be mostly irrelevant but...

But you're the one asking for help here.  Maybe to those whom
you've asked to do the actual replying, they are not irrelevant.

[summary of reasonable replies to my other questions]

So it's likely a Linux-based, moderate to low performance system
written as a student project which is expected to be supported
for some time.  Some reliability/security issues might have to
be addressed.  That's a good start.

> Random suggestions would be a start, but I hope this has cleared things up
> a little...

I think it did!  Really, although you'll get some random 
suggestions, around here if you provide enough detail you'll
often get far more than that.  In all cases, the more background
you provide with a question, the more effective your responses.
As far as judging pros and cons, you might also consider that
the people in this forum are probably in a better position to
judge that after learning a little bit about your context, than
you are after hearing a little bit about their suggestions.
Don't implicitly put down the people who might be about to 
help you out.

(What about the nature of the interface to the C program?
How does it produce its output?  Writing to a file?  Can 
it be run simultaneously on multiple threads?  Is it CPU-
bound so that you want some mechanism to serialize accesses
or is it so fast that won't matter?  Or does it support
a socket interface directly to serve up the data, but
just not in an HTML compatible way?  There are lots
of relevant questions revolving around your "server X".)

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at engcorp.com

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