accessing class data members

Stephen D Evans stevee at
Tue Jul 3 15:08:18 EDT 2001


It's a question of style/performance. Neither obj.temperature nor
obj.get_temperature() are necessarily better. Accessing a class variable
directly or indirectly via a function are both valid and have
advantages/disadvantages depending on the language/task.

For indirect variable access via a function:

   * In a compiled language the indirect access via a function call can be
     optimised away by the compiler, so there may be no loss of runtime
   * In Python there is the overhead of a function call, therefore
     potentially slower.
   * If the function does not exist, the code crashes.
   * Debugging is easier as all accesses to the variable can be

For direct variable access:

   * In Python this is quicker.
   * It is possible to set a 'typo', e.g. obj.temperature_oops = t without
     any complaint, but not (always) retrieve one e.g. t =
     obj.temperature_oops may or may not work.
   * Possibly harder to debug the code.

For quick and dirty debugging in Python it is possible to override the
__getattr__ and __setattr__ class methods and thus provide the equivalent
of obj.get_temperature() and obj.set_temperature(t) while using
obj.temperature in the code. Use has to be made of the
__getattr__/__setattr__ asymmetry.

class UpperClassTwitOfTheYear:
    """An example for debugging only"""
    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name == 'temperature':
            name = 'hidden_temperature' # rename, place debugging code here

        self.__dict__[name] = value

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        assert name=='temperature' # should only be called for this
        return self.__dict__['hidden_temperature']

Having looked at a lot of Python code and programmed in Python regularly
for over a year, I generally use direct access to the class variable in
Python i.e. obj.temperature

Stephen D Evans

Curtis Jensen wrote:

> In many OO languages, and theory, it is often the case that when you
> want to know the value of some data member, that a function is written
> to return that value.  However, in Python it seems that people just
> access the data member directly.
> for example:
> if there were a class that represented a physical object.  In the class
> there were data members that held the objects temperature and location.
> If I wanted to know the temperature of an object, I could just use
> obj.temperature.  Though in other languages, the convention seems to
> call a function that returns the value, like: obj.get_temperature.
> Which is better?
> --
> Curtis Jensen
> cjensen at
> FAX (425) 740-1451
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