FEEDBACK WANTED: Type/class unification

Paul Prescod paulp at
Sat Jul 28 16:07:32 EDT 2001

I'm reading the section on the introspection API but I don't understand

1. If I am sitting at an interpreter prompt and I have an object how do
I figure out the complete list of currently available attributes
available on that object. 

2. If I have an object that hides its attributes behind an __getattr__,
is there any way to tweak the list returned by the API described above?

If I understand correctly, doing this is not sufficient:

 >>> T = foo.__class__
 >>> T
 <type 'Foo'>
 >>> dir(T)              

I don't think that this will get base class attributes or attributes
hidden in __getattr__. And even if it did, it would be nice to have a
single API that combined instance attributes and class attributes
according to the fallback rules. i.e. I'd like something as close to
this as is realistically possible:

def attrs(x):
	return [y for y in all_possible_strings if hasattr(x, y)]

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