Is Python Dead? Long Live Python!

"Jürgen A. Erhard" juergen.erhard at
Tue Jul 10 15:11:53 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Wilson <web2ed at> writes:

    Edward> Languages never die; they just fall out of use when they loose touch
    Edward> with the contemporary.  Python will become more or less mainstream
    Edward> (live or die) on it's own merits.

    Edward> A scripting language should be good at scripting.  From my
    Edward> observation, Python appears to be headed in more of an acedemic
    Edward> direction rather than that of mainstream commerce.  Acedemics are
    Edward> good, it's where technology comes from.  Unfortunately, I still
    Edward> haven't found a way to make money using Python.  If I can't make money
    Edward> with Python, then Python is dead to me.  I would imagine my voice
    Edward> represents a small crowd of developers, who wish they too could make
    Edward> money with and contribute to Python on a daily basis (on company
    Edward> time).

    Edward> If this is so, Python won't bennefit from the best developers, the
    Edward> developers who code for a living.  From what I can tell, PHP and Ruby
    Edward> are flying past Python in acceptance rates.  The difference that I see
    Edward> in these groups, is a sensitivity to industry, rather than an
    Edward> adoration for pure acedemic elegance.

    Edward> Beauty is only beauty if one can experience it.  I can't experience
    Edward> Python on a day to day basis (in the workplace), so therefore I can't
    Edward> appreciate it.

    Edward> As far as ODBC--ODBC is too slow for what I do.  I'm using Oracle
    Edward> Pro/C.  Most serious developers would agree that ODBC is slow. 
    Edward> Wheather Java decides to use (cheat with) ODBC or not is Java's
    Edward> problem.  Java is WAY too slow for serious development of any kind. 
    Edward> If it weren't, it would be the perfect language--if that were
    Edward> possible.

    Edward> Yes, native drivers for all db vendors.  This is why I mentioned (in
    Edward> an earlier post) that this should be a community effort.  Python could
    Edward> break the door down if it paid more attention to the needs of the
    Edward> commond professional.  Satellite controlers are great too, but
    Edward> Priorities have meaining in a time of war.

Bwahahahahha... heehee, *wheeeze*... please, stop, this is too good!
My stomach's starting to hurt!  "Java ... serious development of any
kind."  ... mua... mwua... Mwuahaha, Bwuahahaha!

Bye, J

PS: If ever you should have a need for a second career, try stand-up
comedy.  You should be good at it...

PPS: I agree with Paul: it's hardly possible to take you seriously

 Jürgen A. Erhard  (juergen.erhard at, jae at
                    "Perl Programmers are from Mars,
        Python Programmers are from Yorkshire" -- Alex in
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