PEP scepticism

Paul Jackson pj at
Fri Jul 6 21:16:44 EDT 2001

Guido wrote:
|> This whole thread has disappointed me.

Don't let it get you down, Guido.

Any sufficiently large effort (more than 1 or 2 people ;) will
try to widen the narrowness of some in ways they choose to avoid.
The work of yourself and colleagues continues to delight a
surprisingly high percentage of those who come to know it.

In my case, in particular, as a student long ago of ZF set
theory, I smile everytime I come across the list comprehension
syntax.  Thanks Greg and whomever else.

                          I won't rest till it's the best ...
                          Manager, Linux Scalability
                          Paul Jackson <pj at> 1.650.933.1373

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