A modest PEP0238 suggestion

Tim Peters tim.one at home.com
Wed Jul 25 19:38:38 EDT 2001

[Grant Edwards]
> The problem is that it's not _us_ (people who write Python programs) who
> decide what version of Python is running on a system.

It's slowly dawning on me that some people don't ship Python *with* their
apps.  What are you, nuts <0.9 wink>?  From PySol to Zope, everyone who
gives a rip about stability ships the software they develop with.

I see I have 12 copies of the Microsoft C runtime library on my Win98 box at
the moment, and for the same reason:  serious Windows app developers are
careful to isolate themselves from C runtime changes too.

in-the-real-world-compatibility-doesn't-rely-on-luck-ly y'rs  - tim

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