interpreter improvements

kevin parks kp87 at
Thu Jul 19 06:24:31 EDT 2001

I've always wondered why the interpreter was so, uhm...difficult, even
compared to wish (tcl). I like to mess around and improvise in the
interpreter, but find that it is so feature-starved that it is often a
bit tedious. Couldn't the interpreter be improved to behave more like
a real shell, with command history and maybe evn completion or (god
forbid) keywork syntax coloring. Couldn't it support some basic shell
commands like more and ls and such? Even in wish i can type ls and get
a listing. The interpreter is a great tool, but it really requires a
wicked amount of typing and you can't eaily recall and edit these
monster that you type in at the prompt.

-kevin parks
seoul, korea

kp87 at

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