Can I list the functions inside a module

scott smarsh at
Sun Jul 1 01:53:36 EDT 2001

Calvin Fong wrote:
> Greetings,
>         I'm running Piggy 0.7 on my palm m100. Piggy is a python interperter for
> palm OS. As there is some platform specific modules for it, I want to
> know what function do they contain. Please, can anyone teach me how to
> show the function inside a modules.

The following code is from the tutorial "Dive into Python"
( :


def help(object, spacing=10, collapse=1):
    """Print methods and doc strings.

    Takes module, class, list, dictionary, or string."""
    methodList = [e for e in dir(object) if callable(getattr(object,
    processFunc = collapse and (lambda s: " ".join(s.split())) or
(lambda s: s)
    print "\n".join(["%s %s" %
                      processFunc(str(getattr(object, method).__doc__)))
                      for method in methodList])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print help.__doc__

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