modifying sys.path on win98...?

Dennis Voss dennis at
Mon Jul 2 14:24:06 EDT 2001

> I'm trying to update the sys.path for python on win98...
> I altered the registry, under local machine, seemingly correct. But
> when I access the sys.path to check it, my alterations don't show,
> even after rebooting.
> I can use sys.path.append, but the change only lasts until I close
> python. Then it reverts back to its original state.
> How do I make the alteration 'permanent' ?

You can't.
Windows 9x does not store the enviroment variables in the registry
as Win NT does. The only permanent keys are created in the
autoexec.bat file. When you start an application or a DOS box,
Windows copies the env.vars to your "sandbox" and destroys that
information when your program ends.

The only alternative in MS way seems to be the registry, but that also
has disadvantages, i.e. the files storing the data don't shrink when you
information in the registry.

Bad, I know - Blame MS. I asked the same question in the helpdesk on
this years CeBIT (we needed that for network scripts, my old teacher
want to change his Novell scripts) resulting in the above answer (=no)


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