Comment on PEP-0238

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Fri Jul 6 23:49:57 EDT 2001

> I currently favor div(x, y) over x//y and x div y.  Maybe also add
> mod(x, y) for symmetry (that would also explain divmod() as a
> messenger from the future :-).

Since I do not like the change, as explained previously, I would prefer the
least change, which would be // with div second.  // would not be new
keyword and breaks nothing sensible that I can think of.  An operator form
would run as fast as now since it would be compiled inline as now.  A
function call would be slower and make integer division look much more
wierdly asymmetric than it actually is.  I suspect that some newbies and
CP4E people would find *that* (div()) strange.

Terry J. Reedy

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